The rock formations, the rivers, the variety of plant and animal life – It all amazes me.
Often, however, when I try to take in the beauty of something like this I feel this awkward tension, like I'm scared I won't fully appreciate the moment and it'll pass before I can ever retain it. I've experienced this my whole life, anytime I look at the stars, the ocean, or any other natural wonder. I can't really explain this feeling without putting it into poetry:
Partially seeing, never grasping
Too great to consume
Leaving me empty
– Not quite empty –
Trust in acceptance
That what it is can not be mine
But belongs to all life
Because it is all life
Urge from the heart
To know it better, deeper
Ultimate connection, uninhibited intimacy
Stopped by fear
Caged freedom
Never knowing, having always known
Sink into it
Let it overcome
Sit inside the next moment
And be still.
Because this uncanny tension arises from awe and wonder, I'll embrace it. This process of turning something mysterious or difficult to understand into poetry mirrors the process of turning grapes into wine. If we lean in and listen to what each challenge tries to teach us, we find meaning even in struggle. This week I'm challenged to make poetry of every trial.
Weekly Grape: Am I amazed by all that surrounds me?